
Jesus Christ was a Populist and would be a staunch Brexiteer

On the subject of the Church of England chumming up to the remainers and spreading the word of Brussels.

Brexit News: The thing is, if you actually knew the true story of Jesus Christ, who he was and what he stood for, long before, shrewd, Roman emperor Constantine hijacked Christianity for his own self-promotion and that of Rome; after Rome had been feeding Christians to the lions for about 300 yrs after they, inadvertently martyred Christ.

You would know that Jesus was a populist politician who was very much against the corrupt money men of the church, the gravy train of the time, where Rome turned a blind eye to men of god, robbing the uneducated poor in exchange for being able to rule without, anti-Roman resistance from the people.

Why do you think the Romans nailed Jesus to the cross?

The churchmen of the time found pesky Jesus was commanding massive crowds of peasants who were hearing his words and waking up to the reality. They were being taxed and robbed by the Church, on behalf of Rome who in return, richly, rewarded the Churchmen 

Jesus Christ wanted the people to be free from that, the EU is a simple reincarnation of. 

The difference is, these days, the corrupt gravy train riders are Politicians, not rabbis.

If alive today, Jesus would be a Brexiteer and would fight the EU and it's corruption,  without a doubt!

Watch the entire story: Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3


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