
Tim Farron says LibDems will oppose Art.50

Brexit latest: Liberal Democrats say they will oppose Article 50 unless there's a second EU referendum
An affront to democracy. LibDem leader Tim Farron has said  'This Tory government are keen to laud the democratic process when it suits them, but will not give the people a voice over the final deal,'

What Tim forgets is the question that was asked.

Most Brexiteers quite frankly couldn't give a damn about the final deal as long as Brexit means Brexit. Clegg and Farron seem to have this obsession with the European single market. A market they claim is bigger than the British Commonwealth DOUBLED! Their silly ideas blind them to the meaning of the word Democracy and aimless LibDem members hanging on their words like stary eyed teenagers!

Nick Clegg and Tim Farron probably don't know the first thing about global logistics or currency FX trading. All they really know about is sucking up to EU leaders! Jobs for the lads is rife in LibDem circles! LibDem mentality is simple: toe the line and be rewarded with a position!


  1. These people who vote against brexit shoud remember who put them in that position and remember we can and will vote them out

  2. Tim, nutty and dim, won't stand a chance at the next election. Gleggy killed the party and Tim, nutty and dim, will bury it!!!!


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