
You don't speak for Britain' Anger at BBC political editor's Trump question

You don't speak for Britain' Anger at BBC political editor's Trump question

Daily Express :: Politics Feed / 3 hours ago :: via Brexit News App

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg has been condemned and praised for questioning Donald Trump’s views on Russia and Muslims during the US President’s first joint press conference with Theresa May.

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    1. I love British values...tolerance, freedom, care for the vulnerable, strong sense of community, free health care at the point of delivery to all nationals. I love the BBC for maintaining standards of care regarding our governments hand holding with a racist, anti abortionist, wall building, protectionist, backward-looking Putin-admiring xenophobe.

    2. Once you said "I love the BBC" that was enough...

    3. I vote for free tatoos for brexiters, that way they can tatoo the stars and stripes on their sad little quisling arses and proudly sell poor Britain out to their master at the White House.

    4. They are intent on destroying our relationships with good trade deal countries on purpose, because they are paid by the EU to do this, to keep us IN the EU etc when we clearly voted OUT, meaning that the BBC no longer supports the views of this country's majority!
      Nice programme on rescuing orphaned Chimps and poaching, but who will rescue US if they carry on like this!!???

  2. Its amazing that time and time again the BBC show its true face but its never held accountable ... As an organisation that is funded by the public it has to be neutral and provide just the facts - not an opinion

    1. Tony, the problem is clearly that you are so far down the rabbit hole that you are completely incapable of telling the difference between balanced reporting and bias. The BBC unlike nearly every other media organisation has always ensured that it devotes equal time to both sides of the debate and this is why remain people also say that the BBC is biased towards Brexit. If you do not want your views challenged, read the Daily Express.

    2. The BBC are manipulators.
      They report what makes them look good.
      They need to be self funded like all the other channels.
      No....... Because they wouldn't last five minutes.
      The BBC was so against BREXIT.
      And it stood out a mile in their reporting.
      No sorry..... BBC I don't like you/ want you or need you.
      You are yes men and liars ..... And bad ones at that.

  3. Dear Fellow Americans
    I was absolutely disgusted at the rude questions thrown at the president by the BBC left wing liberal British press. Believe me I speak to many people and most brits couldn't be more happier that Trump was elected as president. The British press does not reflect the views of the people of England ,they push their own evil agenda just like your CNN does. I was so angry and just kept thinking that I hope the Americans see through their garbage.
    We love trump over here. It's just that we have a liberal agenda working in the background. They can't even come to terms with brexit and are still trying to stop it from happening,even though the people have spoken. All we ever hear on the BBC is apocalyptic news on what will happen when we leave etc..
    Trump is spot on about the media and it's biased agenda reporting fake news all the time.

    1. We too in Britain have been angered by this leftist arrogant woman, who would seek to destroy our unique friendship with the US and its people. Likewise the BBC will eventually be held to account here.

    2. The British Press don't represent England? No shit, they represent Britain!

    3. Sandra Wilson, well said, spot on. I saw the original feed via The Daily Caller and also stated that this woman in no way represents the views of the majority of British people. Needless to say typical remoaner contradicted me, but most agreed. Pat D

    4. Sandra,
      I do not know a single friend or acquaintance who is happy that Trump has been elected. Of the few friends I have who did vote for England to leave the EU, none of them are happy about his election either.
      Trump showed his true colours in his petulant answer.

    5. Dear Fellow Americans , we would like a straight forward answer to a question asked by many concerned Brits and if your Orange moron can't be diplomatic without threatening relations, ask yourself where your country is going .

    6. Would you rather she asked him about the 400 Trillion people that flooded into Washington to watch the inauguration and then gave him a beautiful, standing ovation for a long time? or would you rather she asked him a dumbed down question like the US press do, along the lines of what did you have for dinner last night Sir?

    7. Yes! Totally in agreement. It's an on going agenda with the BBC. They never give it a rest. I was so proud of Theresa May's strength and dignity on her meeting with President Trump and his respectful reaction to her.This journalist could so easily have wrecked the carefully orchestrated press conference. I felt such shame by her deliberately provocative questions. Her input brought a shadow over the atmosphere of the occasion. Just sick and tired of the BBC's negativity regarding Brexit and Trump.

    8. You certainly dont speak for me, and I would bet you dont speak for many millions of Brits who think this man is a vile piece of work.

    9. Just one small point Sandra.. when you say the British press doesn't reflect the views of ENGLAND... I'm sure you mean doesn't reflect the views of the United Kingdom (Britian is not England)... which is Scotland England Wales and Nothern Ireland

    10. Sandra Wilson, you certainly don't speak for me. Trump is a vile man, and I know no one who 'loves' him. How dare you try to speak for British people.

    11. Absolutely agree with everything Sandra Wilson said. The BBC have become a law unto themselves in recent years and certainly DO NOT represent the views of most British people. Laura Kuenssberg thinks she is so cutting edge and clever but the reality is the opposite. Her unprecedented assault on the new President wasn't just stupid, it could have been catastrophic but, thank the Lord, Donald Trump and a very embarrassed Theresa May handled it really well. I hope this clearly biased and self-absorbed reporter gets hauled over the coals for her behaviour or, better still, fired.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. Among the people I know in England, Trump is viewed with alarm.

    14. Sandra Wilson are you crazy we do not support Trump in Britain he is a crazy homophobic, sexist, misogynistic mad man! Don't speak on our behalf when that is just your opinion!

    15. Sandra. Most Americans don't support Trump. He lost the popular vote. Only some kind of wild-eyed Fascist would think that state-sponsored torture is OK, that xenophobia is normal and that denying family planning to the 3rd world will reduce migration pressure.

      Do not link normal peoples disgust at the policies of the neo-nazi inhabiting the White House with Brexit. They are two different issues.

      As for the BBC, the institution is as neutral as possible. After all the Fascist Traitor Farage often gets a seat on Question Time.

    16. Left-wing? Kuenssberg.... left-wing? The BBC.... left-wing? Maybe left-wing compared with you Brextremists, but really? Kuenssberg and the Bigoted Broadcasting Corporation are the mouthpiece of the Tory government.

    17. Trump has already done the world a favour , by sending that vile baggage Clinton into the widerness where she belongs!

  4. If that question had been asked of President Obama he might have joked about it initially but he would have answered it..there are far too many unanswered questions hanging around with this guy.

    1. If the Blog Editor of this site is keen to remove remarks he doesn't like, he must be biased as well. We in England could do with our Government changing the prehistoric thoughts and ideas, and get the country back to how it used to be.
      Fred R, ( UK )

    2. Dear Fred, the blog administrators job it to delete inappropriate comments. Nothing more

  5. This woman is a disgrace. The typical stereotypical looney left moron employed at the BBC to ensure they get as much drivel out as possible.

    The sad thing is so many actually believe the shite they read and hear! She should have been arrested for this. Give her as much respect as she gave the Uk and the US president?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. The BBC is unbiased eh? not bl00dy likely! That idiot woman has embarrassed Mrs May and the whole country. I hope the BBC reporters are not given press\security passes for future press conferences
    On behalf of all right minded British citizens, I would like to apologise for the hacks appalling bad manners

    1. Theresa May has embarrassed the majority of us. On behalf of all right-minded British citizens, I would like to ask Theresa May to apologise for the damage she has done to our global reputation.

  7. Laura Kuenssberg left wing? Are you serious? She is a paid up Tory who has been regularly criticised for her right wing bias. But she's right to call Trump out and she won't be the last.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Laura Kuenssberg is so obviously right wing BIASED, as is the BBC, she tries to put the knife into Jeremy Corbyn with every chance she gets.

  8. Laura Keunsberg left wing? She's the one who got caught lying on the news about Corbyn isn't she? She's a fully fledged Tory. She's about as left wing as Nigel is, for god's sake.

    It doesn't matter if we agree with Trump on the immigratiin issue, the man is still seriously dodgy and it doesn't bode well if poor President Snowflake can't answer a perfectly reasonable question.

    1. Keunssberg only REPEATED what TRUMP himself has blared out more than once but which he cannot deal with. He was also asked if he agreed with the Iraq war and said he did which he has denied ever since all there is video proof.

  9. It was a brave question and one that many in the UK feel. Are you stupid commenting idiots blind to reality of the situation?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Please help me win a bet; are the Pro Trump and Brexit posts on this thread a little bit of fun trolling, or are some actually serious?

  12. Why don't brexit quislings who are so willing to sell this country out to a foreign power just b ehonest and go and tatoo their arses with the stars and stripes. Pathetic crowd.

    1. How many more times do we have to read this message of yours - isn't once enough? Or do you have to keep repeating it to convince yourself?

  13. she does speak for the majority of British people. Those thinking she doesn't are wrong. I'd say she speaks for the majority of the world too.

    1. Laura spoke for me. She did her job as a journalist asking a powerful politician to account for his actions. Those who seek to muzzle the press are on a slippery slope. This is still a free country and Laura is part of that. If you don't like press freedom go and live somewhere they don't have it.

    2. She's not speaking on behalf of herself, she's employed by the British Public, they're the ones paying her too much money, as she should be INDEPENDENT every time she appears on camera.

    3. I want my press to ask difficult even discomfiting questions when they relate to discrimination and prejudice. First sign of totalitarianism is to attack the freedom of the press.

    4. She spoke for me, too.It's entirely respectable to stand up to racist bullies, however powerful. I believe that's what Churchill did, was it not?

  14. I guess you think you speak for the British people too then?

  15. Good for Laura. She asked the questions all the other journalists should have. She certainly spoke on my behalf. Trump is mentally unstable.

    1. No he's not unstable, he just got more Balls than the others. He says things as they are.

    2. Including his views on grabbing women by their private parts? If that coming from one of the most powerful people on the plant doesn't alarm you, then perhaps you need to reevaluate what's acceptable in this day and age...hint misogyny isn't.

  16. She definitely does not speak for me or the British people, every report she posts on the BBC, the final sentence is always a negative. She should resign.

    1. "She doesn't agree with me so she should resign".
      Congratulations, you have reached pinnacle idiot.

    2. She *does* speak for the British people Mike whether you like it or not. Also, the question was approved by May.

    3. Oh, so Mike. You believe that torture works? You believe that Putin's Russia is OK? You believe that denying family planning to the 3rd world will reduce migration? Under what stone do you live?

  17. Typical BBC agenda, they certainly don't reflect my ideas. They're a bunch of lefty Moslem hugging post grads!#justsayin

    1. God forbid educated people have opinions!

    2. Have you ever considered reading outside your echo chamber? Or that maybe not all the UK is as bigoted as you?

    3. Your ideas sound a little abhorrent, illegal even? Keep them to yourself in public.

    4. Have all the 1970's student politics types commenting here realised that they don't represent the British public's views any more? Laura's questions were puerile, as if coming from a petulant 15 year old student. The BBC and Laura really need to grow up. As do the cretins who support her style of interviewing.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. LK is not a left wing journalist - she is centre right and a Tory.. She only asked what any sane person would ask when speaking to an insane person like Trump.

  20. Very strange World when Laura is classified as Left Wing! As for Trump, he should be so grateful that Sir Robin Day and David Frost have both passed away and Jeremy Paxman has moved on from politics. Any one of them would have had Trump for breakfast! Journalists are supposed to ask questions, the tougher the better. I would have thought that the Trump administration would be worried about who would be the next Woodward and Bernstein?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. The Conservative Party and BBC are same thing and this other bleachy head woman from the BBC is just a plant with a loaded question so Theresa May (or may not) does not have to ask it personally. and so performing what (May) be called a double side step. Scamming, lying, ugly face of UK politics and they must think the Trump and his team along with all of the British public are all stupid. Still don't suppose it matters who asked the question really as nobody voted for either of these bimbo's anyway did they? Why do people pay the BBC just to lie to them? I never watch ANY of their TV news or any other programs so I don't pay it so this means I have £145 to spend on my Internet and get all my news from alternative sources.

    1. Congratulations, wonderfully incoherent.

    2. Another unknown member of the grammar police who thinks that if your English is not 100% you are not entitled to comment on anything. How about f*ck off you c*nt is that coherent enough for you? (actually forget the question mark and put a full stop there.

    3. Your first comment *was* incoherent and then to confirm the criticism you back it up with an expletive-ridden one. I applaud your drive to show yourself up for what you are. Bimbos indeed. Grow up.

  23. Are you people seriously suggesting that journalists shouldn't challenge power? Then you've signed off against a dictatorship and you're too damned stupid to realise it. And - if Trump can't *answer* those challenges then he's failed too and his actions are probably illegitimate. That's how democracy works.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I believe that Laura would have had to firstly get permission from TM enabling her to speak, and that the question would have been known and agreed on by TM. I am sure that Laura was doing TMs dirty work.

  26. You know she's a journalist, right? That's what they do. Ask questions. If her job was to fawn over fascist twat head politicians, she'd be working for Fox.

  27. It's not for the BBC to ask questions May should have asked. Is that coherent enough for you?

    1. Actually a press conference is for asking questions. Journalists, and particularly political correspondents are employed for their questioning ability. Maybe try looking a few of these terms up in a dictionary. You can use Google for that if you don't own one.

    2. You're hardly likely to make a picnic are you, sandwich?

  28. Absolute arrogance in not accepting that 65 million people, nearly the whole of the UK population, voted for this chap, Donald Trump, who is standing up for this majority.

    1. He *did* lose the popular vote though didn't he? I note you conveniently forgot to mention that particular majority. You sound like another alternative facts kind of guy.

  29. Laura Kuenssberg is a Tory. Donald Trump has made some extreme statements which he cannot fully back up, or back up at all, and she called him out on it. If he has such big balls, why not answer the question. He couldn't even answer the question, let alone justify his policy making so far. Left and right has nothing to do with

  30. Those who say they love and praise the BBC for Thier integrity and honesty... They couldn't find one of the UKs biggest paedophiles in Thier own building and are still trying to cover it up to this day.

    1. A bit like Westminster then. Still waiting to hear about that particular nest of paedophilia.

  31. You wish to sack a journalist for asking questions? Where are we going? What goes on in your head?

  32. Yet again, the population (this time the US) have spoken. Clearly, within the rule of law of the US, Donald Trump was elected on the basis of his manifesto. He could not have made his views clearer. Just as in the UK with the Brexit vote, a small minority cant accept this DEMOCRATIC vote. Donald Trump is doing precisely what he said he would - putting AMERICA FIRST. In the UK BREXIT WILL HAPPEN. So to all those who disagree with democracy, go and live somewhere else. You're very welcome to leave. My suggestion is that you all go to a Muslim country. Democracy MUST prevail. The people have spoken. GET USED TO IT!

  33. Should be sacked for bringing the BBC into disrepute ? But then, the BBC are not now a reputable organisation !! The only way she should keep her job is if she goes to North Korea and gives Kim Jong-Un the same treatment ?!! ( tell her she won't need a return ticket ? )


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