“Professional Coach” to Train Anti-Brexit Flash Mob at EU Summit
A lame anti-Brexit flash mob will ‘perform’ at the EU summit in Brussels next month. Bulgarian liberal MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk is plotting the protest. He is trying to recruit participants via email, in the process revealing that the anti-democracy protesters will undertake “training” with a “professional coach” for the next four weeks:
“Do you want to support the EU and help fight Brexit? Here is the chance to do that. We need energetic pro-Europeans ready to perform a flash mob dance at lunchtime on 28 June around Schuman and willing to spend a few hours practising. We also need volunteers to help with logistics, hold banners and distribute leaflets. Let’s put a bit of fun, rhythm and imagination into fighting Brexit and support the campaign for a People’s Vote on the Deal.Sad.
“What do you need to do?… Train with our professional coach for three or four once-weekly evening sessions in June. We’ll let you know the details of times and places for training when these are finalised.”
UPDATE: Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman said:
“Collusion between the EU and Remoaner groups is a serious matter, but this shows it is getting plain silly. A flash mob to support a Second Referendum is a good metaphor: like Soros’s campaign, it will be a lot of coordinated excitement & noise for a few minutes, then completely disappear.”The post “Professional Coach” to Train Anti-Brexit Flash Mob at EU Summit appeared first on Guido Fawkes.
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