
Boris Johnson insists he does back Theresa May – but says her Brexit plans are WORSE than staying in the EU

BORIS Johnson said last night he would not move to oust Theresa May as he made his first public appearance since his divorce crisis broke out.

The top Brexiteer pledged support for the PM – but raged that the PM’s soft Brexit blueprint would be “substantially worse” than staying in.

Boris Johnson pictured in Parliament making his first public appearance since his divorce drama came to lightGetty Images - Getty

He said talks with the EU were “verging on the humiliating” as he threw his lot in with the hardline Tory Brexit backers trying to bring down Mrs May’s proposals.

Boris braved the Commons to back a report supporting a No Deal Brexit by the Economists for Free Trade group, backed by Jacob Rees-Mogg and other Brexiteers who have rejected the PM’s plans thrashed out at Chequers.

Intervening as he sat in the audience, he let rip at the Prime Minister’s Chequers plan: “It seems to me there is this particular economic objection that in abandoning our seat around the table in Brussels and continuing to accept the single market legislation.

“We will be exposing UK businesses, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, innovators, to whatsoever rules the EU decides in the future to devise, even though those rules may well be inimical to the interests of UK innovation.

He has teamed up with hardline Brexiteers including Jacob Rees-Mogg, Steve Baker and Iain Duncan SmithGetty Images - Getty Boris Johnson was seen jogging near his home todayReuters

“That seems to me to be a particular economic risk in Chequers and makes it substantially worse than the status quo.”

Asked after the meeting if he still has confidence in Mrs May, Boris...


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