
Brits could be banned from Europe if they’ve got less than six months left on their passport under No Deal Brexit

BRITS with less than six months left on their passports could be banned from travelling to Europe after Brexit, the Government fears.

Leaked documents reveal that if we leave the EU with No Deal, thousands of British holidaymakers could be kept away from the continent.

Thousands of British holidaymakers could be shut out of Europe after BrexitAlamy

The news could prompt a rush for Brits to renew their passports so they can still travel to Europe after March next year.

Tomorrow ministers will publish a fresh collection of papers outlining plans to cope with a No Deal scenario if talks with Brussels break down.

One of the documents will deal with Brits’ access to the EU for short-term visits such as holidays, according to the Daily Mail.

It will say that British travellers are likely to be treated by Europe in the same way as visitors from outside the EU.

Brits may need to have newly issued passportsAlamy

Under current rules, that means they will only be able to enter the EU if their passport is valid for at least six months after the date of the visit.

Officials are now planning to ramp up processing time at passport offices to cope with a possible rush from people anxious to ensure they can continue travelling to Europe.

A spokesman for the Home Office refused to comment on the leak today.

The Sun revealed earlier this week that under No Deal, current pet passports will be invalid so holidaymakers will be unable to take their dogs and cats on holiday.

Before the release of the documents tomorrow, Theresa May will hold a three-hour Cabinet meeting to discuss the plans with senior ministers.

It emerged last night that the Government is already in talks with European...



  2. All this Fake news and scaremongering, we need to walk away, the EU needs the UK, far more than we need them, they have cars wine cheese to sell, as well as so many other things, May is so bloody soft she will give her soul away as well as our Children's Future, we voted out now lets get out


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