
Czech and Maltese PMs Call For Second Referendum

Unusual breach of convention when heads of EU governments openly interfere in the political processes of another democratic state. The billionaire Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš, told The Today Programme that:

“I’m very unhappy that the UK is leaving so maybe it would be better to have a second referendum and the people in the meantime could change their view, because Europe has a lot of problems we have problems with Mr Trump about tariffs, we have problems with sanctions on Russia, Brexit, migration, Turkey, and so on so for Europe it’s a quite difficult time and I was really shocked when the referendum was announced that there were so much people… for Czech Republic I regret very much.”

The Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat also told the programme:

“There is an almost unanimous point of view around the table [of the European Council] that we would like the almost impossible to happen, that the UK has another referendum. That being said I wouldn’t know what the result would be, whether it would be any different from the first.”

Last night at the summit dinner in the Felsenreitschule theatre in Salzburg, May told the EU’s leaders they had to compromise on the Irish border. The PM was firm that there will be no extension of Article 50 process and no second referendum. Malta’s PM Joseph Muscat is right about one thing, another referendum is almost impossible. The anti-Brexit neverendum campaigners are wasting there time. Time’s up and it is deal or no deal…

The post Czech and Maltese PMs Call For Second Referendum appeared first on Guido Fawkes.


  1. Why do they want a referendum? do they want to leave too?
    We have voted to get out and that is it the British way of democracy not the EU version "Vote until we get what we want"


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