
Defiant Theresa May warns EU leaders that they will not stop Brexit and insists there will be no second referendum

DEFIANT Theresa May today warned EU leaders that they were powerless to halt Brexit.

The PM told them there would be no second referendum and insisted that Britain would be heading out of the European Union on March 29 next year.

Theresa May told Jean Claude Juncker and other EU leaders in Salzburg there will not be a second referendum in the UK as the public has delivered the verdictReuters

In a move that stunned No10, EU Council president Donald Tusk said her blueprint must be “reworked” just hours before she delivered a desperate pitch to leaders at a crucial summit of all 28 leaders in Austria.

She had hoped to pull off the most important 10 minutes of her Premiership at the Salzburg gathering by making a personal plea to the national bosses’ faces to keep her Chequers plan alive.

The premature savaging was seen as a sign that hardline French president Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Angela Merkel had triumphed over more sympathetic states such as the Netherlands, Austria and Hungary.

Instead, Mrs May was forced to tell her 27 other bosses over dinner: “We all recognise that time is short but delaying or extending the negotiations is not an option.

Reuters Angela Merkel triumphed over the Netherlands, Austria and Hungary[/caption]

“I know that for many of you Brexit is not something you want.

“But it’s important to be clear that there will be no second referendum in the UK. The public has delivered its verdict, and as Prime Minister I will deliver on that. The UK will leave of 29th of March next...


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