
Donald Tusk warns Theresa May she has to ‘rework’ Chequers plan as PM dashes to Salzburg to demand leaders drop Irish border demands

THE EU’s Donald Tusk today warned Theresa May that she will have to “rework” her Chequers plans – as she dashes to Salzburg for a crunch Brexit summit.

The President of the European Council said today there was “more hope but surely less time” to reach a deal, hours before Mrs May will get just 10 minutes to plead with them to drop their “unacceptable” demands on the Irish border.

Theresa May will fly to Salzburg later today to make an appeal to EU leaders on BrexitRex Features

Mr Tusk said ahead of the EU leaders’ arrival in Austria this afternoon: “On the Irish question and the framework for economic cooperation the UK’s proposal needs to be reworked.”

He proposed an emergency November summit to deal specifically with Brexit too, though he admitted that Chequers was a “positive evolution” of the UK’s negotiating stance.

His words come after his colleague Michel Barnier hinted last night that the bloc could shift their position on the Irish border – but he was still wedded to keeping Northern Ireland inside EU rules if there was no Brexit deal.

But Mrs May will use the summit to warn that there will be No Deal on Brexit unless the demands to cut up the UK by putting a border in the Irish sea are dumped.

Donald Tusk has warned that 'limiting damage' by Brexit is in the EU's interestDonald Tusk said time was running out to secure a Brexit dealPA:Press Association The EU’s Michel Barnier is embraced by Jean Claude Juncker at the two-day informal summitAP:Associated Press


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