
Explosions aside, Boris Johnson is still The One and no politician can match him

WHEN it comes to a ripe turn of phrase, no ­politician alive today can match Boris Johnson.

The man who gave us the “polished turd” to describe Theresa May’s half-in, half-out Brexit surrender is in a class of his own.

Brighty - The Sun

Now he is at it again, ­comparing Mrs May’s Chequers proposal to a “suicide vest” wrapped around British sovereignty, with Brussels holding the trigger.

Millions of fans of TV’s Bodyguard will respond to this image, recalling the moment heart-throb Richard Madden was almost blown to smithereens by an Islamist terrorist.

It also revives memories of the recent “letterbox” jibe at Muslim women wearing burkas.

Each new calibrated explosion puts Boris on Page One, enraging his enemies, delighting his supporters and generating the headlines he craves.

Getty Images - Getty His blonde hair is a gift to cartoonists, and he is instantly recognisable by only his first name[/caption]

The man is a publicity phenomenon — one of the few people on the planet instantly identifiable by his first name.

His blond thatch is a gift to cartoonists. Endearingly, he makes us laugh. He is without real malice.

But is BoJo the statesman we need to lead this nation?

When fame flirts with infamy, does it help his lifelong ambition to be PM?

Publicity, as the philandering ex-Foreign Secretary learned last week, is a double-edged sword.

Getty - Contributor ­Boris compared Theresa May’s Chequers plan to a “suicide vest” wrapped around British...


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