
Faisal Reverse-Ferrets on BMW Brexit Doom

Sky News’ political editor Faisal Islam quickly backtracked on his doom laden ‘Breaking News Alert’ story today, which initially heavily implied that BMW was to extraordinarily shut down its factory immediately after Brexit. In reality a planned annual maintenance shutdown happens every year.

A quarter of an hour later, Faisal posted an update, for the first time admitting that in reality the factory undergoes an “annual shutdown”.

After pilot licences and mobile roaming scares fell flat last week, Faisal has now scored a hat-trick in bogus Brexit bluster.

The post Faisal Reverse-Ferrets on BMW Brexit Doom appeared first on Guido Fawkes.


  1. Total incompetence like that Kay burley about simon face talking about Boris saying Muslim woman wearing the burka or niquab looked like post boxes idiots and their intelligent??


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