
Finally May Says Something Pro-Brexit


May’s repeated refusal to say whether she thinks Britain will be better off after Brexit has raised questions over her commitment to seeing it through. Brexiteers will have been reassured by her optimism in a clip broadcast on the Today Programme this morning:

NR: “Can you complete the following sentence: ‘Brexit is a good idea because…?'”

May: “It gives the United Kingdom opportunities as an independent and sovereign state to build a better future for all our people.”

NR: “You believe it?”

May: “I believe that our best days are ahead of us.”

As May famously said, “you can only deliver Brexit if you believe in Brexit“…

The post Finally May Says Something Pro-Brexit appeared first on Guido Fawkes.


  1. And that coming from a treacherous liar. Can we believe it I don't think so


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