
German MEP’s aide caught coming out of No10 with Brexit notes on a ‘general election’ and and another ‘public vote’

A SENIOR MEP’s aide has been photographed with her notes outside No10, which mention a “general election” and “public vote”.

The photographed memos belong to the assistant of Manfred Weber, who had meetings with Theresa May and Sadiq Khan yesterday.

The snapped note was spotted outside Downing Street yesterday, following key Brexit meetingsSteve Back Photographer

He held meetings with the PM ahead of her crunch Salzburg summit later today, where she will make a plea to EU leaders to drop their hardline demands on the Irish border.

The notes, which are written in both Spanish and English, set out possible scenarios of what could happen with Brexit.

The scribbles note a “general election” and “parliament votes for a public vote”.

Mr Weber had meetings with Cabinet officer minister David Lidington and Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, where our EU exit and Mrs May’s Chequers deal were discussed.

German MEP Manfred Weber was in No10 to discuss Brexit, citizens rights and the upcoming Salzburg summitSteve Back Photographer Theresa May is due to arrive in Salzburg later to make a direct appeal to EU leadersRex Features

The revealed papers also make note to “not knowing the truth” and “delay process”. Key Brexiteer Michael Gove is also mentioned, along with a reference to “bad options or no deal”.

At the weekend the environment secretary said that Mrs May’s Chequers deal would get Britain out of the EU now, and a future Prime Minister could unpick and change it at a later date.


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