
London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for ANOTHER Brexit referendum

SADIQ Khan has dramatically called for another EU referendum because he believes the people must be given the chance to reject Brexit.

The Mayor of London, who is an avowed remainer, argues Britain is facing either a bad deal or “no deal”, which he says will hit jobs and living standards.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan wants a re-run of the referendum to get the result he wantsDemocracy in action…. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan – seen here campaigning in the 2016 vote – wants a re-run of the referendum to get the result he and other remainers wantGetty - Pool

Referring to the worst case scenerios, Mr Khan said: “They are both incredibly risky and I don’t believe Theresa May has the mandate to gamble so flagrantly with the British economy and people’s livelihoods.”

The leading Labour politician, who was Writing in the Observer, insisted backing a second referendum was never something he expected to have to do.

But he believed the threat to living standards and jobs was severe and he saw no alternative than to give people a chance to stay in the EU.

He said: “This means a public vote on any Brexit deal obtained by the government, or a vote on a ‘no-deal’ Brexit if one is not secured, alongside the option of staying in the EU.

“People didn’t vote to leave the EU to make themselves poorer, to watch their businesses suffer, to have NHS wards understaffed, to see the police preparing for civil unrest or for our national security to be put at risk if our cooperation with the EU in the fight against terrorism is weakened.”


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