
Macron and Merkel are pushing Theresa May to DELAY Brexit, Nick Clegg claims after ‘cloak and dagger’ tour of Europe

FRENCH and German leaders are pushing Theresa May to seek a Brexit emergency brake, Nick Clegg suggested today.

The former Deputy PM claims he’s spoken to people working for Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel who are keen to keep Britain in the EU beyond next March.

Nick Clegg said European leaders are pushing to delay BrexitGetty Images - Getty

But he denied being involved in a “cloak and dagger conspiracy” to undermine Brexit despite his months-long shadow diplomacy campaign.

Sir Nick was last week reported to be joining Tony Blair and John Major in a concerted effort to push the idea of a second referendum on European leaders.

Asked about the campaign at Lib Dem conference in Brighton today, he said: “Alas it’s not a cloak and dagger conspiracy, as it was almost portrayed. I’ve been completely open about it.

“I’ve been going around entirely openly speaking to folk that I’ve got to know over the years who are still in office – in one country it might be the prime minister, in another country it might be the foreign secretary.

Theresa May speaking with French president Emmanuel MacronAP:Associated Press Germany's leader Angela Merkel also stood in solidarity with BritainGermany’s leader Angela Merkel also wants to see Brexit delayedGetty - Contributor

“I’ve been over quite a sustained period now trying to go systematically from one capital to the next.

“It would be almost irresponsible of me not to play my part and speak to these folk.”

He said European leaders want to give Mrs May an


  1. These people are working for the EU; they think they are working for the UK, but what they are doing is seeking to undermine any frail negotiations we are having. Their plan is to keep the UK in the EU, plain and simple. I wonder where does treachery like this become treason? The British people were given a one-off vote to seek their view as to leave or remain. Democracy says they voted in favour of leaving, and were told clearly what it would mean before they voted. Of course that was before the vote was taken, they were expected to believe the multiplicity of fear forecasts that were made (all subsequently well wrong), and scurry into the Remain camp. But the best laid schemes of mice aka Messrs Cameron and Osborne, failed to persuade the people, primarily because as elitists they never saw, felt, or understood the deeply held views of millions who disagreed with their view of how great the EU was. Now they are trying to put the genie back in the bottle, their haven in Brussels is under threat, to heck with the people and democracy... this is far too important for the people to decide (as one of their crowd, Lord Mandelson said on national TV), we must get it changed. Only the people, the sovereign people, can stop this treachery - speak to your MP. Let him or her know your anger.

  2. Above comment from Stuart Leed



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