
No Deal Brexit ‘will spark 12 weeks of chaos’ at Britain’s ports and borders and could take MONTHS to thrash out a deal, Whitehall planners warn

A NO Deal Brexit will spark 12-week border and port chaos, Whitehall planners will warn next week.

It could take that long to thrash out a deal with EU states to keep goods flowing.

Whitehall scenario planners say chaos at borders could take up to three months to fixAlamy

The scenario will be outlined in a Cabinet No Deal summit on Thursday.

Ministers will hear that an EU talks collapse would see delays at ports, such as Dover, and airport mayhem.

The warning is revealed today by Sun columnist James Forsyth. It comes as Whitehall prepares the next 20 No Deal technical notices for publication.

This week UK Brexit officials did not deny that plans include lining the M20 with backed-up lorries — and hiring portaloos for drivers.

PM Theresa May received a boost as claims the EU’s Michel Barnier told Remainer MPs the Chequers deal was dead were rubbished. In a transcript of his Brussels talks with them he replies: “In the White Paper are lots of positive things. Lots of useful things. I did not just reject the White Paper outright. That is just not true.”

Labour’s Stephen Kinnock earlier told an MPs’ committee Mr Barnier said to them: “The proposals are dead.”

Mr Kinnock added: “I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that Chequers is dead in the water. Michel Barnier made it clear it’s completely unacceptable.”

The PM received a Brexit boost after it emerged claims that Brussels boss Michel Barnier said Chequers was ‘dead’ were...


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