
Our economy is firmly up — and imagine how much it’ll soar when Brexit is done and dusted

It’s all grow

OUR economy is firmly on the up — despite Brexit uncertainty and Remainer negativity.

Imagine how it will soar once our exit is done and dusted.

EPA Brexit scaremongering evidently falls on deaf ears with our EU migration down and employment figures rising[/caption]

Wages are growing at their fastest in three years, and above inflation. Unemployment is at a 40-year low.

Youth unemployment has NEVER been so low.

Growth has ticked up to 0.6 per cent.

There is a record number of vacancies.

Alamy Youth unemployment in the UK has never been so low but there are a record number of job vacancies[/caption]

With EU migration down and jobs galore being created, the competition for workers is pushing up pay. Good.

Brexit scaremongering falls on deaf ears, doesn’t it?

Brits just keep calm and carry on.

The only person threatening to slam a brake on it all is Chancellor Philip Hammond, by raising fuel duty.

Reuters Chancellor Philip Hammond is threatening to halt our Brexit boom by raising fuel duty[/caption]

What folly that would be. He moans that keeping the level frozen costs too much.

But the drag on the economy from hammering every driver will outweigh the extra revenue, especially with prices already at a four-year high.



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