
President Maduro Feasts as Venezuelans Flee Starvation

“Venezuela shows another way is possible” Jeremy Corbyn told us. That way was socialism, and it has turned out the same it always does, disastrously. More than 1.6 million Venezuelans have left the country since 2015, fleeing the economic and humanitarian crisis, streaming across the borders to neighbouring countries such that last month the UN warned that the situation is nearing a “crisis moment”. Socialist Venezuela’s biggest export is its people.

Whilst Venezuelans are reduced to searching through garbage for food and advised by government officials to eat pet rabbits, Nicolas Maduro, the man Jeremy Corbyn congratulates for countering capitalism on live TV call-ins to the dictator’s propaganda show, found a perfect place to be caught spending some of that $35 million bribe he pocketed with his wife, Cilia Flores. On a visit to the famous Turkish celebrity chef Nusret Gökçe, in his 5-Star restauarant in Abu Dhabi.

Gökçe is known as ‘Salt Bae’ for his signature style of seasoning steaks and dramatically slicing meat at the table while gyrating his hips. In response to Maduro’s lavish meal, Venezuelans have posted images on social media purporting to show Gökçe sprinkling salt over starving children…

The post President Maduro Feasts as Venezuelans Flee Starvation appeared first on Guido Fawkes.


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