
Theresa May must be thinking about Brexit in March 2019 — not a 2022 election

THE Prime Minister should be thinking about March 2019, not a 2022 election.

Between attempting to get a deal that works for Britain and preparing for a No Deal if Brussels bureaucrats remain so inflexible, there is PLENTY of work to do over the coming months.

Alamy Live News Theresa May must prepare us for a clean break from the EU – so get on with that, Prime Minister[/caption]

Thinking about four years’ time is an unnecessary distraction.

For one thing she needs to insist that her civil servants — and some of her Cabinet colleagues — get with the programme. Many of them need to listen to Sir Christopher Meyer, a former Remainer who is now looking forward to a brighter future free of the EU’s iron grip.

It is crucial that everybody involved in these next vital months of negotiations is genuinely ambitious about what Britain can be as a truly independent country.

We have the fifth-largest economy in the world and we’re a “soft-power” titan.

Mrs Thatcher was Prime Minister from 1979-1990 and Mrs May hopes to match this length of time in office Mrs Thatcher was Prime Minister from 1979-1990 and Mrs May hopes to match her 11 years in office

There might be people in Brussels who think we are doomed to failure once we leave — but there shouldn’t be any ­sitting on our side of the table.

If the Government prepares us properly for a clean break over the coming months, we’ve no reason to be scared for the future. It will strengthen our hand in negotiations, too.

So get on with THAT, Prime Minister.

Red alert for MoD

THE Russian bear is roaring, and we don’t seem ready to defend ourselves.

Today a respected...


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