
Theresa May must not get caught in a Von Trapp at the EU summit in Salzburg to make Brexit a success

THIS coming week could be pivotal for Brexit.

The Prime Minister will head to the continent on Thursday to visit Salzburg — like Bath, a world heritage city — to discuss her Brexit or Chequers proposals with other leaders of European governments.

Theresa May cannot get stuck in a Von Trapp when she goes to the EU summit in SalzburgTheresa May cannot get stuck in a Von Trapp when she goes to the EU summit in Salzburg

To date the EU has been officially dismissive of the main elements of Chequers, the complex customs arrangements and continued use of European Rules to secure access to the single market.

Michel Barnier, who led the negotiations for the EU, has been clear that the EU cannot accept this position.

The UK must either be in the Single Market with all that goes with it — including free movement — or it may have a free trade deal instead.

In a sense, he is the keeper of the Oriflamme for the EU.

The PM will be discussing her Brexit proposals with leaders of the other European governmentsThe PM will be discussing her Brexit proposals with leaders of the other European governmentsGetty - Pool

Historically, this was a sacred banner carried into battle for the kings of France when no prisoners were to be taken.

The heads of government may be more conciliatory and keener to help a fellow leader, not least as most of them face their own domestic difficulties.

It is also the usual form for the EU to make a deal.

It protests that it is strictly a rules-based organisation to maximise its negotiating strength but then, like an honest costermonger, makes the necessary trade.

At the same time the British Government seems...


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