
Theresa May set to warn EU leaders there will be NO Brexit deal unless the Irish Sea border demands are dumped — but speech will be cut short

THERESA May will today warn other EU leaders there will be No Deal on Brexit unless the Irish Sea border demands are dumped.

But the PM will get just ten minutes to argue her case.

Rex Features Theresa May will tell EU leaders to scrap the Irish demands[/caption]

The meeting of the 28 national bosses in Salzburg is a key chance for her to unlock a stand-off with Commission negotiators by appealing directly to the 27 other national bosses.

But, The Sun can reveal Mrs May’s bid to thrash out her Chequers plan for a trade deal with the group has been thwarted.

Instead of a long debate with them – which was also pushed for by the host Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz – she will be given just 10 minutes to make a brief personal pitch.

EU Council president Donald Tusk has shut down any debate with the table, insisting the others will discuss their response tomorrow without her.

Reuters Sebastian Kurz was hoping the PM would have longer than 10 minutes for her speech[/caption]

Revealing Mrs May’s ultimatum, a senior No10 official said last night: “To come to a successful conclusion, just as the UK has evolved its position, the EU will need to do the same.

“Neither side can demand the unacceptable of the other, such as an external customs border between different parts of the United Kingdom.

“No other country would accept it if they were in the same situation.”

Mrs May is furious that the EU’s negotiating chief Michael Barnier has refused to budge from the Irish Sea demand.


  1. This lying cow won't do anything of the sort she will just roll over and sells down the river.


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