
Theresa May slams campaigners calling for a second Brexit referendum as a ‘gross betrayal’ of trust

THERESA May has faced down calls for a second Brexit vote, declaring it a “gross betrayal” of trust.

The PM promised not to give in to activists demanding another referendum — saying millions voted to leave the EU two years ago.

Theresa May has called the campaign for a second referendum a 'gross betrayal' of trustTheresa May has called the campaign for a second referendum a ‘gross betrayal’ of trustAFOLABII SOTUNDE

Speaking ahead of MPs returning to Westminster this week, Mrs May said voters “trusted that their vote would count; that after years of feeling ignored by politics, their voices would be heard”.

She said: “To ask the question all over again would be a gross betrayal of our democracy — and a betrayal of that trust.”

Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Mrs May pledged she will not surrender to Brussels in her negotiations over Brexit.

She said: “I will not be pushed into accepting compromises on the Chequers proposals that are not in our national interest.”

A recent poll put Theresa May's popularity up 22 per cent A recent poll put Theresa May’s at +22 per cent in her ability to unite after Brexit

It came as senior Labour figures refused to rule out another membership vote.

Campaign group People’s Vote is focused on changing Labour party policy to back another ballot.

Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer said a second referendum should be “on the table” if Parliament shuns the PM’s EU exit deal.

Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab has said he is “stubbornly optimistic” about getting a deal with...


  1. NO ONE has the right to deny WE THE PEOPLE, our Peoples Vote. We WILL have our vote, and we WILL overturn Brexit. END OF DISCUSSION.

    1. Brexit is happening.We the voters of Brexit are the in the majority.Anything less will be betrayal of the people.

    2. You had your vote like every one else.Deal with it .And if we cut ties altogether with the EU,Watch how Britain will prosper,There are countries waiting to to do trade with us once we leave the EU.How do you think we managed before the prime minister took us into the EU without even asking the public.Thank You Blair and THatcher for not letting us in to all info before you took us into the EU without our say so.And we have seen how things have got worse and worse by being in the EU.WE WANT OUT.


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