
Theresa May takes a Brexit battering after EU leaders tear up her Chequers plan

THERESA May was plunged into a fresh Brexit crisis after the EU tore up her Chequers plan for a deal in front of her eyes.

The shell-shocked PM took an extraordinary and unexpected savaging from Europe’s leaders at the dramatic end of a summit in Salzburg.

Theresa May was plunged into fresh Brexit chaos as EU leaders described her Chequers plan as ‘unworkable’Alamy Live News

Visibly shaking with anger at them, Mrs May hit back to insist her blueprint is “the only serious and credible proposal on the table at the moment” to keep trade flowing freely.

But she also opened the door for the first time to dumping her bitterly criticised plan by challenging Brussels to come up with an alternative.

The public snub was a deep personal humiliation for her, as well as a catastrophic diplomatic failure for the UK, with blame for it levelled on senior No10 officials last night.

It also left Mrs May facing renewed fury from Tory Brexiteers who warned her Chequers would fail – and all just nine days before the start the Tories annual conference.

Mrs May was forced to yet again rule out another Brexit referendum after two EU leaders suggested she hold oneReuters The PM was given a month to come up with ‘maximum progress’ before the next EU summit in OctoberGetty Images - Getty

EU Council boss Donald Tusk issued the damning verdict after the 27 leaders met over lunch yesterday without Mrs May to consider her Chequers pitch to them on Wednesday night.



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