
Tories must stop trying to oust Theresa May – toppling her would be madness

Halt Mayhem

TORY mutineers against Theresa May should stop wasting their energy.

It's time to stop trying to topple the PM to get a new leaderIt’s time to stop trying to topple the PM to get a new leaderAlamy Live News

No new leader could change the fact this Government has no majority. A committed Brexiteer as PM won’t persuade Tory Remainers to vote for no-deal, or any deal they perceive to be too hard.

Labour will oppose anything. And the Tory right cannot even yet agree on an alternative to Mrs May’s Chequers offer.

We have grave doubts about ­Chequers.

So does the EU. It doesn’t look a goer.

Theresa May needs to deliver on BrexitTheresa May needs to deliver on BrexitReuters

But the focus of every Tory MP, even above Brexit, should be keeping Corbyn out. The last thing they need is a traumatic, protracted leadership contest.

Senior Brexiteers are right to put the lid back on the plot.

Mrs May is their lightning rod in the Brexit storm. Toppling her at this point would be madness.

An Arch leftie

IF the Archbishop of Canterbury wants to sit on Corbyn’s front bench why doesn’t he bin the day job and stand for office?

He’d be perfect, too.

The Archbishop of Canterbury stuck his oar in politics with a left-wing rant saying gig-economy firms are ‘evil’REUTERS

His simpleton’s-eye view of left-wing politics as somehow morally superior chimes perfectly with...


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