
UK-made cars won’t meet EU standards in a No Deal Brexit, warns doom-mongers

SHOULD the UK come away with a No Deal Brexit, car makers will need to double-up on their safety and emissions tests to export and sell in EU countries.

The government has set out new no-deal guidelines for the industry, which voiced their concerns to Prime Minister Theresa May this week at a motors summit in Birmingham.

Government lays down the law for car makers in a No Deal BrexitGovernment lays down the law for car makers in a No Deal BrexitGetty Images - Getty

Currently, car manufacturers follow standards set out by the European Community Whole Vehicle Type-Approval (ECWVTA).

Cars exported within the EU also need a European Community (EC) type-approval issued by individual countries.

If there is a No Deal Brexit, the UK’s type-approvals will no longer be valid for car sales in the EU.

The same goes for cars imported from EU countries into the UK, despite their aligned requirements.

The car industry has been vocal in its criticisms of a hard BrexitThe car industry has been vocal in its criticisms of a hard BrexitGetty Images - Getty

Existing EC-approved cars would need to be converted into UK ones in order continue selling cars in Britain.

Every vehicle will be affected by the no-deal scenario, as well as tractors and all types of non-road going engines.

Meanwhile, EU regulations for CO2 emissions will be brought into UK law.

The government has been releasing guidelines in the case of a No Deal Brexit so that industries can better understand where they will stand in all scenarios.

However, the British car market has been vocal in its criticisms of a hard or no-deal Brexit.


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