
What is the EU Withdrawal Bill? We look at the key Brexit legislation

THE EU Withdrawal Bill has passed through Parliament after months of fierce debate.

Here’s everything you need to know about the flagship legislation and why it’s so key to the Brexit process.

Brexit Secretary David Davis has criticised Labour for refusing to back the Great Repeal Bill, calling their position ‘unprincipled’AFP What is the EU Withdrawal Bill or the Great Repeal Bill?

The extensive bill will transfer around 12,000 pieces of existing EU regulation and translate them into UK law.

It is seen as vital in ensuring a smooth transition on the day after Brexit.

Without it there would be a lot of holes in the law – because so much legislation refers to EU bodies and other EU laws that we won’t be a part of when we quit.

Ministers say we can then “amend, repeal and improve” the laws as necessary later on.

The Government has announced it will repeal the 1972 European Communities Act, which brought Britain into the EU in the first place.

The act meant European law took precedence over laws passed in Parliament.

Britain will now have the Great Repeal Bill, now known as the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, which puts power for our laws back into the hands of MPs and peers.

Theresa May says the Bill means the UK “will be an independent sovereign nation” once again.

Brexit Secretary David Davis has already announced the UK will dump the hated EU human rights charter.


The Great Repeal Bill What the Conservative Party’s Great Repeal Bill will do for the UK Who is against the Bill and why is it controversial?

Months of fraught debate took place before the vote finally passed through the Commons on June 20, 2018.

The bill was debated for the first time by the Commons on September 7, 2017 and cleared the lower chamber in January 2018.

It then moved onto the House of Lords – who made 15...


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