
Rachel Reeves urged to resign after 'battering pensioners in total farce'

EXCLUSIVE: Tory MP Greg Smith attacked Chancellor Rachel Reeves over Labour's war on pensioners after the Winter Fuel Payment cut announcement this week.

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  1. Simply robbing Peter to pay Paul. No prizes to guess who Paul is.

  2. In my opinion she is a communist

  3. Thieves and lying greedy mofo party.

  4. The whole labour government should be ousted Out they are not for the working class or pensioners

  5. Theives and liars gimme gimmes

  6. Get the whole lot of the labour party out they are not fit to be paid in washers never mind money .They are a complete sham

  7. i make you right

  8. Ii think the uk would. Benefit from a complete new government who have the people's interests as a priority.

  9. I wonder how this woman can go to her home after work ( if any) and go to sleep in her "assume " silky pijamas. Knowing there are thousands of poor pensioners who go to bed with their jumpers on into their ice cold damp beds. I bet she has a smile when she looks into the mirror taking her donated expensive earrings off, given by wealthy supporters. Pleasant dreams for next tax hikes!!!!!!!

  10. ALL LIARS !!!


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