
Humiliation for Keir Starmer as General Election debated just six months after Labour win

A petition demanding a fresh election will be debated in Parliament on January 6 as signatures reach 2.8million.

Author: Steph Spyro

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  1. Thar should be no debates for this petition is leagal and the people have spoken he lied to the country, and still lieing given our money away taxing us off face of the earth to give away , and borrowing money for this scam climate change to rob us even more three and a half billion for this SCAM and we have to foot this bill on some stupid Miliband dream , that’s why the country wants him out and we will get him and his party of un qualified idiots in his cabinet and him picking someone to decide on our petition is wrong it should go to king House of Lords or independent person we can’t run this country on his lieing every day and wasting money we have not got as we are. Three trillion in debit and still borrowing.


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